Bandhan Bank Personal Loan

Bandhan Bank Personal Loan : In today’s times, everyone has to take a loan from time to time. In such a situation, everyone must take loans from one or the other bank or private institutions. Many types of banks also offer offers on loans to attract their customers. One such bank is Bandhan Bank. If you take a loan from Bandhan Bank, you also get many benefits. You can easily get loan from Bandhan Bank in short period and with less documents.

If you are also thinking of taking a loan from Bandhan Bank, this article is giving you all the information about how to take a loan from Bandhan Bank and all the documents required to take a loan from Bandhan Bank, eligibility and interest rate.

Bandhan Bank Personal Loan

Bandhan Bank Types of Loan

  • Personal Loans
  • Home Loan
  • Gold Loan
  • Education Loans
  • Car loan
  • Agri Loan

Bandhan Bank Loan Required Eligibility

  • Salaried and self-employed applicants can apply.
  • A salaried person whose age is between 21 to 60 years can take a loan from Bandhan Bank.
  • A self-employed person whose age is between 23 to 60 years.
  • Applicant must be a Bandhan Bank customer for at least 6 months.
  • Customer’s debit and credit cards should be activated at least once a month.

Bandhan Bank Personal Loan Benefits and Features

  • Bandhan Bank offers personal loans ranging from 50 thousand to 5 lakh to its customers.
  • You have to repay this loan with an annual interest rate ranging from 15.90% to 20.75%.
  • If you follow all the terms and conditions of the bank, you can get a loan even with minimum documents.
  • No security or collateral is given to the customer taking personal loan in Bandhan Bank.
  • In the absence of any security or collateral, Bandhan Bank gives you a personal loan in a very short time, and the money is transferred to your account within 48 hours of accepting the application.
  • Apart from this, you don’t have to pay any other charges on the personal loan.If the applicant is a customer of the bank, he is given many special offers in interest rate and also fee benefits.
  • Salaried and self-employed individuals can avail personal loans from Bandhan Bank.
  • If you are facing any kind of problem in getting a personal loan, you can contact the customer care of the bank and get your problem solved.

Bandhan Bank Personal Loan Interest Rate

Bandhan Bank offers loans to its existing customers at very low interest rates. Currently, 33 individuals taking personal loans from Bandhan Bank have to pay 15.90% to 20.75% as annual interest on the loan. If you have a good CIBIL score, you also get the benefit of lower interest rates. A person taking a personal loan should know about the interest rate before taking the loan. So that you don’t face any difficulty in repaying the loan amount.

Important Documents

  • Aadhar card
  • PAN card
  • Permission to drive
  • Passport
  • Voter Identity Card
  • Address
  • PAN card
  • Voter Identity Card
  • Permission to drive
  • Passport
  • Passport size photograph
  • For salaried applicants three months old salary slip and 1 year Form – 16
  • Two years old ATR Income, Self Employed P&LA A/C calculation and Balance Sheet
  • KYC document verification at branch for online applicants

How to Apply Bandhan Bank Online Loan?

  • First of all, open Bandhan Bank official website
  • After this, on the home page of the website, you click on the ‘Personal’ tab.
  • Loan types appear in front of you, click on the option of the type of loan you want to take.
  • You go ahead by choosing the personal loan option.
  • A new page appears in front of you, in which you have to read all the terms and conditions properly and proceed for further process.
  • After reading all the terms, click on ‘Apply Now’.
  • Now the application form will open in front of you.
  • You have to fill this form in several steps, in the first step you have to enter applicant name, email id, mobile number, city name, pin code.
  • After filling this information, tick the box below and click on the submit button.
  • After this, you reach the second stage of the form, in which you fill all the requested information correctly.
  • After filling the complete form, scan and upload the relevant documents.
  • This way your personal loan application in Bandhan Bank is successful

Bandhan Bank Offline Loan Application Process

  • To get a loan from Bandhan Bank through offline, you have to visit the nearest branch of Bandhan Bank, of which you are a customer.
  • After this, you get information about the loan from the bank officer.
  • The application form has to be taken after understanding all the terms and conditions properly.
  • Fill this application form properly and attach copies of relevant documents and submit it to the bank employee.
  • If your form is valid, you need to take the original documents to the bank for one-time KYC.
  • Once the loan is approved, the loan amount is debited to your account by Bandhan Bank.

Bandhan Bank Contact Details

If you are facing any kind of problem in taking loan from Bandhan Bank, or you want to get loan related information, you can get help from the bank official by using the contact form provided.

  • Toll Free Number – 1800-258-8181
  • Customer Care Number – 033-4409-9090
  • Email ID –

Important Link

Bandhan Bank Personal LoanView

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