Chandrayaan-3: India Moon Lander And Rover

Chandrayaan-3: The Indian space agency Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) wrote its name in golden letters in history with the successful launch of Chandrayaan 3 on July 14, the first time that Chandrayaan 1 and 2 had been successfully launched by ISRO, although Chandrayaan 2 soft It failed to land, but forgetting all that, Isro’s Chandrayaan 3 is going to create history once again.

Now that Chandrayaan 3 has reached the lunar orbit, all the countrymen are waiting for when Chandrayaan 3 will make a soft landing on the moon, ISRO has said that Chandrayaan 3 will start the process of soft landing on the surface of the moon on August 23. Currently, the whole world is watching India’s Chandrayaan 3 mission, because ISRO has completed this mission with a budget as low as the budget of a Bollywood film.

Chandrayaan-3: India Moon Lander And Rover

Name of the organizationISRO (Indian Space Research Organization)
Name of the missionChandrayaan 3
Launching date14th July 2023
Cost of the missionRs 615 crores
Chandrayaan includesLander, rover, and orbiter

What will Chandrayaan-3 do on the Moon?

A successful touchdown will mark a huge achievement for ISRO, placing them in a small group of nations that have landed spacecraft on other worlds. Beyond this milestone, Chandrayaan-3 has technologies to demonstrate and science to perform.

Shortly after landing, one side panel of the Chandrayaan-3 lander will unfold, creating a ramp for the rover. The rover will emerge from the lander’s belly, drive down the ramp, and begin exploring the lunar environment.

The solar-powered lander and rover will have about two weeks to study their surroundings. They are not designed to survive the chilly lunar night. The rover can only communicate with the lander, which communicates directly with Earth. ISRO says the Chandrayaan-2 orbiter can also be used as a contingency communications relay.

Chandrayaan-3 lander and rover names

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) plans to reuse the names of the Chandrayaan-2 lander and rover for the Chandrayaan-3 project. The spacecraft includes a moon lander called Vikram (derived from the Sanskrit word for “Valor”), equipped with four instruments to observe thermal conductivity and detect moonquakes in the landing area, among other data-gathering tasks. Once it touches down, the rover, named Pragyan (meaning “wisdom” in Sanskrit), will disembark from Vikram and explore the nearby region. It is equipped with onboard cameras to navigate around lunar obstacles. Throughout its operations, the rover will remain within the lander’s field of view while conducting scientific experiments.

Pragyan carries two onboard instruments to conduct on-site experiments, aiming to gather valuable technical data about the lunar composition near the landing site.

Chandrayaan 3 Landing Date

Chandrayaan-3, India’s ambitious lunar mission, is set to achieve a significant milestone with its planned landing on the Moon. The anticipated landing date for Chandrayaan-3 is August 23, 2023. This date marks the culmination of meticulous planning, engineering, and scientific endeavors by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). If successful, Chandrayaan-3’s soft landing on the lunar surface will not only contribute valuable insights into the Moon’s composition and history but also solidify India’s position among the select few countries that have achieved controlled lunar landings. As the world watches with anticipation, this momentous event holds the promise of expanding our understanding of the Moon and advancing India’s space exploration endeavors.

Chandrayaan 3 Live News

Chandrayaan-3, India’s special spaceship, is moving towards its goal of being 100 kilometers close to the Moon by August 16. Then, the part that makes it move, called the Propulsion Module, will say goodbye to the Lander and prepare to touch down on the Moon. This mission has two main jobs: to show how to safely land on the Moon and to use a small robot car for about 14 days. This little robot car is very light, only weighing 26 kilograms, and it will do cool science tests to learn about the Moon’s history, rocks, and things we can use there.

Important Link

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