Google Pay Loan Update : Google Pay is giving a great offer to its users, with the help of which users can take loans in small amounts. This facility is for those users who want a loan of around 15 thousand rupees. Instant loan announced at Google for India event. It requires very little paperwork. So all the paperwork is done online. No need to visit any office for that.
What is Google Pay Yojana
Loans up to Rs 15,000 can be taken under Google Pay. So the payment of this loan can be done only as per the monthly EMI of 111 rupees. That means you will not have any problem in making payment. This scheme will be beneficial for those users who earn as labor or daily and want to make payment on that account. The number of Google Pay active users is 2.2 crore, which has done 75 crore transactions and transactions worth Rs 2 lakh crore. Google has tied up with four banks namely ICICI, Kotak Mahindra, Federal and HDFC Bank to provide loans.
The problem with fake loans
was the plethora of fake loan apps on the Google Play Store. But over the past few years, Google has been cracking down on fake loan apps. It has also introduced its own instant messaging app on its platform, which can put a brake on the chances of fraud. But it is important to know that Google itself is not giving money, it acts like a medium, which makes the authentic source available.
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