Gujarat Weather Forecast in December

Gujarat Weather Forecast in December: One disaster after another is happening in Gujarat this year. Cyclone Biparjoy wreaked havoc. Even then, continuous rains, now in full winter, have increased the hardships of the people, including the people of the world. Even now, the new forecast of the forecaster Ambalal is especially worrying for the farmers.

Gujarat Weather Forecast in December

One disaster after another is happening in Gujarat this year. Cyclone Biparjoy wreaked havoc. Even then, continuous rains, now in full winter, have increased the hardships of the people, including the people of the world. Even now, the new forecast of the forecaster Ambalal is especially worrying for the farmers. Besides this, Ambalal Patel has said that storm may also come again. Read the report for more details.

Mavtha’s death not once but twice

As predicted by forecaster Ambalal, the farmers of Gujarat are facing not one but two droughts in Magashar. According to Ambalal Patel, the first Mawtha may fall on December 14 to 18, while the second Mawtha may fall between December 22 and 23 in Gujarat. However, this forecast is from forecaster Ambalal Patel, while the Meteorological Department has not issued any official forecast in this regard.

Where can it rain?

According to forecast of weather expert Ambalal Patel, deep depression is likely to form in the Arabian Sea. Due to this, humidity will be seen in the areas of Saurashtra and South Gujarat and in the northern hilly areas of the country. Also, the West Western Disturbance will mix in the moisture from the Bay of Bengal. Due to this Western Disturbance, rainfall is predicted from December 14 to December 18. Parts of North India, parts of Madhya Pradesh and some parts of Gujarat may receive rain. Apart from this, he said that the second Mawtha may fall between December 22 and 23 in Gujarat. In some parts of Gujarat, there is a possibility of flooding.

What has the meteorological department to say?

On the other hand, the Director of State Meteorological Department Dr. Manorama Mohanty said on Wednesday that there is no possibility of rain in Gujarat for the next five days. There will be no change in the weather of the state. In the next 24 hours, there will be no change in the weather in some areas in Gujarat, while the temperature may increase by one to two degrees in some areas. From tomorrow (Thursday), the night temperature may increase by two to three degrees in most parts of Gujarat.

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