Voter List Reform Program 2023

Voter List Reform Program 2023 : Somewhere you don’t have a mistake in the voter list right? Special Campaign Electoral Roll Reform Program is starting on this date, note the dates.

Voter List Reform Program 2023

Election Commission has launched a special short revision campaign of electoral roll to prepare undamaged advanced electoral roll so that majority of the voters can exercise their right to vote. At present, as per the draft electoral roll, there are 4,87,59,709 voters in the state, all of whom are in the photo electoral roll. Apart from inclusion of EPIC allotted, voter can also download e-EPIC (Voter Identity Card / Election Card) himself.

Special campaign days

A campaign for special temporary revision of the electoral roll will be conducted across the state on Sunday 5 November 2023. The final publication of the electoral roll will be announced on 5 January 2024. In the next general elections to the Lok Sabha, maximum number of voters, including women with disabilities and youth, can participate and exercise their right to vote. Sincere efforts are being made by the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer for this purpose a Special Abbreviation of Electoral Roll Reform Campaign has been launched by the Election Commission to include voters who completed 18 years of age on 1 January 2024 and prepare a flawless advanced electoral roll.

Date of objection applications

Under this campaign, the consolidated voter list has been published on 27 October 2023. From the date of publication of the draft voter list from 27 October 2023 to 9 December 2023, claims and objections can be submitted regarding the application of names registered in the voter list or newly registered names.

Total number of registered voters across the state

At present, 2,51,54,900 male, 2,36,03,382 female and 1,427 third caste voters are registered in the draft voter list, totaling 4,87,59,709 voters across the state, all of whom have been included in the photo voter list, and all have voter identity cards. EPIC has been allocated. Besides, a total of 50,677 polling stations have been fixed after reorganization

Next 5th November 2023 has been fixed as a special campaign day during the period of special brief revision across the state. On this day BLO booth level officers will be present at the respective booths from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and the voter list will be available for citizens to see in person. will do

Voters will be able to see the draft voter list of their respective areas at the voter registration officer’s office, collector’s office locations and polling stations on the special campaign date. Therefore, for name reduction or correction, get the application form from the booth level officer and submit the filled form so that you can exercise your right to vote in the future. But these applications will be disposed of by 26 December 2023

To check name in voter list

Apart from this, claim forms can also be submitted to the Office of the Voter Registration Officer, the Office of the Assistant Voter Registration Officer and the Booth Level Officer, in addition to the eligible youth and citizens belonging to the above age group for registering their names in the voter list and making corrections to their names in the voter list. One can also fill the online form on Election Commission’s VOTER HELPLINE APP and VSP portal for name correction

Final verification of the electoral roll will be done on 05-01-2024 after disposing of the claim applications received during this electoral roll revision programme. This voter list is available in image PDF format at the office of the Electoral Registration Officer Assistant Voter Registration Officer on the official website of the Chief Electoral Officer Gujarat and at the office of the District Election Officer Electoral list of all the assembly polling stations of the district. can

Important link

Voter helpline AppView
Official websiteView

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